Green Tea

Green Tea

Known for their many benefits (antioxidant, thirst-quenching, uplifting, soothing),
green teas are non-oxidised teas that offer a wide variety of aromas and flavours.
The leaves go through 3 processes: roasting, rolling and firing.

Stages of green tea manufacturing
  • Roasting
    ▪ Roasting kills enzymes in the leaves causing oxidation.
    ▪ For this, the leaves are brutally heated to a temp. of above 100°C, in large pans (the Chinese method) or by steam cooking (the Japanese way), for 30 sec to a few mins.
    ▪ The leaves thus become soft and easily bendable for the rolling process
  • Rolling
    ▪ The leaves are then rolled by hand or by machine depending on the origin et the grade of the tea.
    ▪ This stage gives them the appearance of small sticks, balls, coils or actual tea leaves.
    ▪ The operation can be carried out either hot or cold, according to the fineness of the harvest.
    ▪ Young shoots are easily rolled cold due to high water content, as opposed to more mature leaves which require immediate rolling after the roasting process, while they are still hot.
  • Firing
    ▪ The leaves are dried on racks called "tats" with hot air being circulated for 2-3 minutes.
    ▪ Then this process stops for half an hour leaving the leaves to rest, after which drying is repeated until the moisture content of the leaves is no more than 5 to 6%.